Campaign Monitor


FEATURE: The Value of EEO – A Refresher (Part IV)

We skipped last month but will continue this series to help keep your EEO knowledge fresh. Read More »

BLOG: Too Busy to...

We hear this all the time, and we say it ourselves. If you’ve been to EEO Training and perhaps attended one of Mark’s Learning to SEE® workshops or boot camps, you know how important it is to approach energy efficiency selling differently. Read More »

Interested in learning more about the EEO Program and the many benefits it brings? Download the brochure here »

BLOG: Learning Retention Rates and EEO

It’s a bit depressing, but Google “learning retention rates after training” and you’ll see plenty of studies and neat graphics that tell us what we already know: If you do nothing to reinforce what you’ve learned, within two weeks of training you’ll have forgotten about 85% of what you learned.  Read More »
Upcoming webinar! Join us for an EEO + Noesis Portal Introduction. The next sessions are on May 27th and June 24th, both at 2pm CDT. Click here to register »

BLOG: They just won’t buy it!

We’ve all heard that expression or something like it – particularly with the discretionary, value-based projects that are the focus of growth for EEO Professionals.  Read More »

BLOG: Silence is Not Golden

There are endless clichés to describe when you stop receiving feedback or interest in a project. When it comes to energy efficiency, these clichés are all too familiar.  Read More »
Find Past Editions of the EEO Digest Below:

April 2015
March 2015
February 2015
January 2015
December 2014
November 2014

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Honeywell International Inc., and its EEO program, and Noesis Energy are unaffiliated companies and neither company sponsors or is responsible for acts of the other party.

© 2015, Honeywell International, Inc.